101 Grandview Rd., Twin Peaks, Ca. 92391 | 909-337-2469
101 Grandview Rd., Twin Peaks, Ca. 92391 | 909-337-2469

About Us

Mission Statement

The Calvary Chapel Lake Arrowhead Christian Preschool’s mission is to provide children with a Christian, nurturing environment, which supports their spiritual, academic and physical development.  It is our mission to provide preschool children with a solid foundation upon which they will grow into disciples of Jesus Christ, achieve academic excellence and become a positive influence on the world around them.


Program Philosophy

The philosophy of Calvary Chapel Preschool is based on the desire to see children grow in excellence into the calling that God has placed on their lives.  Children learn and grow best in a warm, supportive, nurturing, safe environment in which individual differences are valued.  God has created each child uniquely.  In his Word we are called His workmanship, or work of art. It is our goal to promote each child’s unique giftedness through providing a rich environment, where he or she can be involved and explore learning in terms that they can understand.

Children learn and develop at differing rates.  The curriculum and environment of the classroom is designed to cater to children’s differing needs, capabilities and development.  A wide range of classroom activities are planned to support each child’s physical, social, emotional, cognitive and creative development. The majority of classroom activities will focus on the process and not the product.  The activities are designed to be open ended and exploratory in order to aid children in reaching their highest potential of learning.

It is our goal to foster self-learning, decision-making, and responsibility in children.  We believe that the most effective way to meet each child’s needs and giftedness is to have open communication between school and home, and to work as a team to promote  God’s gifts and talents in your child.